Monday, September 19, 2016

Good Vs Bad Motion Media Design

Which ad do you think is better designed? Which one conveyed a message better? I found the second ad to be better designed than the first and ill tell you why.

To start there are far better figure/ground relationships in the second ad. The subject is in focus and easy to spot out from the background. In the first ad the audience isn't exposed to the subject until the ad is already halfway over along with the jittery camera movements that make it hard to focus on the composition.

Another reason why the second ad is better than the first is its use in the law of proximity. Throughout the ad there are texts that are placed close to the subject matter. This makes it easy for the audience to understand a message. The only law of proximity seen in the first ad might be cowboys, sheep and dogs go together.  

What is best part about the second ad? What makes it a good design? It is the use of the law of continuity. There isn't physical lines that the camera follows in the second ad but the way the camera zooms in out and pans give off the sense that it is following a path in which the ad does. It starts out showing the truck then goes deeper into how its made then loops back to the truck for the end. In the first ad there isn't any continuity. The subject of the truck is shown driving from right to left and then in the next scene is showed going left to right. It also gives two shots that are 180 degrees opposite of each other to end the ad which doesn't really help convey a message.  

Monday, September 5, 2016

Contrast, Balance, Harmony.

In this image I have found contrast, balance, and harmony. Lets start with balance, the horizon line in this photo is set a little above center so that we can see the reflection of the ship in the water. I believe the photographer did this as a way to portray balance in a radial sense. 
Contrast has a few more meanings in this piece compared to balance. First there is the contrast of color from the rust of the ship to the greens of the plants and algae. A second meaning of contrast can be viewed in a cultural aspect. The wild vegetation is an opposite to the civilized buildings of man in the background. And one last aspect of contrast is in a psychological form. The dead ship and the living plants. The dead, decaying, rusting away ship is giving life to a small ecosystem. This could be seen as a metaphor for us and entire planet, that even in death there comes new life with it. 
With that in mind this becomes a very harmonious picture. We get to view a small snapshot in which many things are taking place, a cycle of life, a cycle of human development, a cycle of our world.